I have chosen to create a website for a New TV Channel, this is my medium, and to help me create a successful website I have researched the history of my chosen medium, Websites.

The World Wide Web was created in 1989 by CERN physicist Tim Berners-Lee. It was announced, on 30th April 1993 by CERN that the World Wide Web would be free for everyone to use. Websites themselves haven't always been the same as way we interpret them today, before the introduction of web languages such as HTML and HTTP which are really the building blocks upon which we build websites, other protocols such as File Transfer Protocol and the Gopher Protocol were used to retrieve individual files from the websites server. These protocols where in place to create a simple directory of files etc which the user could navigate around to choose files to download. Documents on the web were usually presented as plain text files without any formatting or where encoded in word processor formats.

What was the first website?

This itself is a tough question, the first ever "website" wasn't really a website at all, but a page which linked between the pentagon and several nearby Universities. This was in the early 70's and the computers used in the network weighed over 5 tonnes each, and all the computers linked to the networks together weighed over 100 Tonnes. This whole network was originally done as an experiment to see if mass information migration would be stable using wires, this was useful to the pentagon as they could share all their information with their bases around the USA and if it wasn't for the success of this pentagon networking, we wouldn't have the internet today.

Aside from this networking, the first "Website" of the likes we know was "http://nxoc01.cern.ch" launched 10/07/04 and the first "Webpage" was "http://nxoc01.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html" This website shut down quite some time ago.

Their are hundreds of different types, or sub genres of websites but I will be focusing on creating a hybrid-website based around Corporate/Content website.

The purpose of this unit is to assess my ability to PLAN and CONSTRUCTmedia products using appropriate technical and creative skills.

To assess my APPLICATION of KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING inEVALUATING my own work, showing how meanings and responses for anAUDIENCE are created.

To assess my ability to UNDERTAKE, APPLY and PRESENT appropriate research.

I must produce a media portfolio comprising a main and two ancillary texts.

A presentation of my research, planning and evaluation.

My media portfolio will be produced through a combination of two or more of the following media:

Web based
Games software

I have chosen to create A website for a new TV channel (to include a minimum of three hyperlinked pages with original images, audio, and video extract), together with two of the following three options:

- A newspaper advertisement for the channel;

- A double page spread for a listing magazine, focused on the channels launch. ;

- An animated ident sequence for the channel.

This task requires me to create an identity for my TV channel, as well as a website and some forms of branding and advertising. This must follow the guidelines for the task, and be fitting to the audience and genre of the TV Channel.