Sky Movies

Analysis of this website is extremely relevant to the creation of my own TV website, since its based around the same genre of as my website, a TV Channel centred around Movies.
First of all, this website has a consistent house style throughout all the web pages, as well as the TV Channel itself, the Logo style and website colours and theme are carried out across both mediums. The style itself is pretty clean cut, its not overly complicated and is easy to use for the audience, the content needs to be easy to find for the user and well placed and embedded into the site. All of this is successfully achieved on this web page.
Theres a big use of shortcuts around the website, again this is making the websites content more easily available for the user.
The whole look of the website Is very new, stylish and clean cut. The design and colour scheme of the website also matches well with the channels Ident, creating a seamless continuous house style throughout.


L- Language

The website itself uses terms and phrases that all audience can understand, because this website has to appeal to a wide range of people and a large audience of different gender and age. The website is well written, and easy to understand. No lingo that first time users or new comers will not understand. Although this is true, the website also still manages to be sophisticated.


The institution behind this website would be the satellite television provider, Sky. This can be seen as we know from the name, that this is a sky channel, and it also shares the same logo as the sky franchise. As well as this, the sky movies logo, the website is also very well integrated with the other aspects of the Sky company.


The ideas behind this website is for it to accompany the television channel. The website needs to provide a hand in hand service with the channel, to provide information for the channel such as program timing. Also, the website has to pull in the audience, and this audience needs to be people that aren’t already sky customers, this website needs to sell its service to the general public, to people who don’t have sky, or this particular sky package. The latest in movies is also shown on the website, the channels own exclusive showings are about most, but there is also new film trailers and reviews for films that aren’t showing on the channel.


As previously mention, there is a mass audience for this website. Not only will people who have sky and sky movies use this website, but it needs to appeal to potential future customers not just the current customers, I feel it needs to reach the audience by giving the user an easy to use experience which will make them want to come back to continue use with the service.


This website represents all that is Sky, as a company and as a channel. The website shows the ease of use of there system, there quality of the system they provide and to try and show there flawless service.

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